TASEEL Facilities Management LLC, duly licensed and registered in accordance with the laws of the United Arab Emirates, providing support solutions for Assets, Facilities, and Services, whose activities in the UAE includes agreements with eSolutions IBM regional Platinum Business partner, TASEEL is a 100 % locally owned, with a combined staff experience of over 25 years in the UAE.
We are independent facilities management service providers in addition to a life cycle cost consultancy providing specialist services and advice to client organizations in all business sectors.
TASEEL mandate is to set the standard for facilities management services and consultancy excellence, ensuring our clients remain 100% satisfied with our services by identifying their specific objectives and expectations on each of our service to those specific requirements. Our considerable experience in private, commercial and public sector projects enables TASEEL to provide valuable and tailored services and support to meet the specific needs of all our clients.
When working on behalf of public sector client organizations, we are able to understand the commercial pressures and objectives of private sector providers. Equally, we can provide expert support services for both public and private sector clients.

Be recognized as a market leader in the regional facilities management services with diversified interests in the utilization of renewable resources and applicable environmentally friendly practices in providing quality services that exceeds the expectations of our esteemed customers.
Mission statement: To build long term relationships with our customers and clients in providing exceptional services by pursuing business through innovation and advanced technology.
Goals: Regional expansion in the field of facilities management services and develop a strong base of key customers.
• Increase the assets and investments of the company to support the development of services.
• To build good reputation in becoming a key player in the industry.
Values: Improvement is a daily exercise – we constantly evaluate and analyse our business practices and standards. This helps us stay focused on the most important aspects and stand out from the competition. We believe this approach will forge a more enduring and satisfying relationship with our clients.

At TASEEL, we are committed in delivering quality facilities services to our valued clients. As a leading provider, we comply with the highest standards in this industry, through our certifications in ISO: 9001, ISO: 14001 and ISO18001. Being accredited, we are relentless in our pursuit for quality improvement through stringent training and adoption of technology to increase productivity. Attaining the highest level in the process, we do not compromise on the safety of our workers and aim to have zero tolerance for occupational accidents.
In recognition of our quality services, we are proud to of our commitments of our perseverance and continuous effort in striving for excellence and delivering our best.